Saturday, 9 July 2011

The Equinox is a Pulse Pounding Gore-Fest!!

Well, I downloaded the e version of The Equinox and spent a few days going over it and I am here to tell you that this novel is welcomed departure from the usual vampire, werewolf romance stuff that is currently been spewed out into the horror world.

The author: MJ Preston, pulls out all the stops and nothing is sacred. This is a real monster book with a rampaging Skinwalker that has a hankering for the lower intestinal track. The story follows a young Chocktee  aboriginal named Daniel Blackbird as he chases the elusive Skinwalker "Skin" across North America after it killed his Grandfather fourteen years earlier.

Right from the get-go the story opens with a showdown in the red light district of Chicago where a veteran  police Sergeant. tells investigating detectives "I can pretty much guarantee that after I explain this  shindig you’re gonna think I’m pitching some kind of screwed up Quentin Tarantino script."

And that is how this book plays out. High tempo, interesting characters and a monster that is out for romance!

You can check out MJ Preston's: The Equinox at his site: MJ Preston - The Equinox or on the Lulu Author spotlight.

A first rate novel from a first time author. MJ Preston delivers originality in this pulse pounding gore fest horror novel.

That's the word.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

The Horror of MJ Preston

   Well I have a treat for you in this post. I have been going through the multi-layered website of MJ Preston and I have to say that this is one of the most imaginative websites I have had a chance to look over.

   What's that? Who's MJ Preston.

   Good question.

   MJ Preston is an independent author who is debuting a Novel called: The Equinox. According to his website the novel will be available for public consumption at the end of July 2011. So why am I spouting off about a novel I haven't read yet? Because the site is set up purely for the readers pleasure and as you navigate you quickly begin to understand how much work he has put into this site.

   The two sections that stand out most notably on his website are: The Dark Galleries, which boasts: An inside look at the Faces of Equinox. This is actually a virtual companion to the novel that has some very dark and interesting artwork that is captioned with explanations and introductions. Set up as three galleries this illustrated companion shows a town called Thomasville and it's residents, the Nation of Chocktee and its people and a final gallery called: Blood and smoke which displays various pieces that are all equally mysterious. Along with all this Preston explains a bit about each piece and how he relates his art to his writing.

   But it doesn't stop there..

   I haven't told you about the Video section and all the cool videos that offer an even bigger draw to what the Equinox is all about. There are a total of ten spooky videos that relate in some way or another to MJ Preston's: The Equinox and the more you watch the more curious you will be. I highly recommend a vist to this website, it is a dark fascinating preview to a greatly anticipated novel.

That's the word..

   Below are two of the many cool videos that trailer.
Tthe novel is set to release  July 30th, 2011.

From MJ Preston - The Equinox